We offer support in the preparation of an application (CV, motivation letter, etc.) and prepare professionally for an upcoming job interview. After the interview, we analyze the feedback and your impressions together, identify learning areas including uncertainities, difficult questions, blackout procedures, etc.
The preparation for applications and job interviews can be either in the context of a career coaching or aligned in a short, focused way, on a specific function, position or company.
Depending on expectation and possibilities, the current career path is recorded, including feedbacks on previous jobs and applications. The curriculum vitae will be prepared or revised, if necessary also tailored to a targeted application, and interviews will be both theoretically prepared (with background information) and practiced, e. g. in role-playing or with other proved tools.
Successes and failures are discussed, feedbacks and their reasons analyzed. This includes analyzing causes, processes and developments in the environment as well as in oneself, likewise objective facts and subjective emotions in oneself and others.
A central goal in the preparation for applications and job interviews is an authentic, professional and confident performance, in which at the same time the job-related qualities as well as the personal motivation are aligned optimally on the company resp. the facing person and are understood by them as intended.