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PERSoNaL dEveLopmeNt

After determining the essential aspects of the personality, the key points for the further development can be defined. First, the expectations, goals and possibilities are discussed in detail. We plan the different stages as well as intermediate goals and their duration, so that the progress, but also any emerging problems, can be reliably recorded, discussed and solutions worked out.

Accompanied personal development intends to initiate one's own, independent personality development, to critically scrutinize in the essential aspects and to achieve the intended goals in close cooperation on the one hand, and on the other hand to transform it into independent further development with decreasing and also ending accompaniment.

Personality development differs from psychotherapy, because it is not about the treatment of a medical trouble such as illness or disorder. We work together in order to strenghten the personality and its balance, including insecurities or tensions, leading to better confidence and harmony, with self-competence (knowledge of own strenghts and weaknesses and being able to cope with them) as well as the security of having found the own way, being aware of it, which enables to attain the individual goals and happiness.

Contact Fribourg

Petit-Schönberg 75
1700 Fribourg

Phone 026 322 26 00
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Contact Zurich

Seefeldstr. 69
8008 Zurich

Phone 044 388 54 74
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