Talents are, just as strenghts and weaknesses, different in each person. Individual talents, sometimes many of them, can be strong or even extreme, others are weak to imperceptible.
People often know about their talents, and ideally they are using them, because the chances of success, and thus for both satisfaction and positive feedback, are far greater than in areas where a talent is weak or unrecognized. But even with strong or exceptional talents, exercise and failures are quite normal, because "no master has fallen from the sky", as the saying goes. Although predispositions and thus talents are genetically conditioned, they require a trigger, namely a constructive environment, but also a lot of motivation and training. But then they - and thus also the results achieved - are often an outstanding feature that distinguishes the achievements and works from others.
Music and art, but also sports, crafts and many other domains, are part of this.
However, the talent must be recognized. Often this already happens in childhood, when it is easier in playful intercourse to achieve something particularly beautiful, compared with results from other people. But sometimes this is difficult or even impossible, e. g. when the appropriate tool is missing: how should a talent for playing the piano or for the violin be discovered, if there are no instrument and no opportunities for teaching available?
In a professional checkup, where the entire personality, i. e. all aspects of the concerned person, are covered, we draw up a comprehensive "layout" of talents and potentials, including in terms of previously undiscovered or unknown ones. In the following steps we are discussing about to what extent a development of these talents is realistic and can be supported, how they can be further promoted and used in life, perhaps even in a professional activity.
Musicians and artists often have an increased sensitivity (percepting many detailed information from the environment) as well as sensibility (high emotional responsiveness): they often perceive and react quicker and more intense than other people, and they reflect longer about such feelings. Therefore, they can often produce impressive or even outstanding works. However, these intense impressions can not always (quickly) be arranged and processed with a calm, sovereign attitude. Depending on the degree of self-competence, empathy and emotional stability (to name just a few factors), this affects (and possibly impacts) one's own life and, as a consequence, the quality of the artistic activity.
This is the point where we start and work together, in full transparency and professionalism: to work out the initial information (current situation), to define the possible steps, decide on realistic goals and how to get there, as well to define metrics and set milestones to ensure they can be achieved. Framework requirements or preconditions are defined as well, with positive and negative influencing factors and the necessary time in order to ensure that possible challenges, difficulties and obstacles will be recognized in time, so that they can be faced in a proactive way, with failures being analyzed and handled constructively.
This strenghtens the personality, and the recognized, developed and consolidated talents lead to better achievements and happiness.