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  • English (United Kingdom)





During the first meeting, we collect together information on the current situation and discuss about the available options, depending on your wishes. You will receive further information and explanations concerning the process, an information sheet as well as other details of the cooperation.

The duration of each session is usually between 60 and 120 minutes, depending on the situation and nature of the proceeding, your needs and the goals for the sessions. A short assessment can be made in a few sessions. Coaching (personality development and career coaching) extends over at least a few weeks, in most cases a couple of months up to a few years. Upon request, individual meetings or follow-up assessments (short examinations) may occur later, even after several years.

Contact Fribourg

Petit-Schönberg 75
1700 Fribourg

Phone 026 322 26 00
fleche contact petite
Contact Zurich

Seefeldstr. 69
8008 Zurich

Phone 044 388 54 74
fleche contact petite